General meeting

The NLc is a public organisation and consists of three official bodies:

  1. the president
  2. the board
  3. the general assembly

The board is in charge of NLc’s daily activities and carries out a number of legal and independent tasks, all of which concern the promotion of the quality of registered pilots and their services. The general assembly has both a monitoring and a legal task regarding the establishment of decrees. The Minister of Infrastructure and Environment has preventive as well as repressive power.

General Assembly

  • President
    J.W. Bentinck
  • President Regional Pilot's Corporation North
    E.J. Kilian
  • President Regional Pilot's Corporation Amsterdam-IJmond
    J.Y. van der Laan
  • President Regional Pilot's Corporation Rotterdam-Rijnmond
    J.J. van Driel
  • President Regional Pilot's Corporation River Scheldt
    F.J.A. Kuipers